Jonathan's Torah and Haftorah Portions

Torah Portion

Parshat Vayeshev: Genesis 39.1-40.23

During the Torah service I will read part of the Vayeshev Torah portion. Below is my summary of the Hebrew text.
(Warning: This is not G-rated)

Section 1: “The Master’s Household”
When Joseph went to Egypt, the Egyptian Master made Joseph his personal attendant and put him in charge of the household. G-d blessed Joseph and everything he owned.

Section 2: “The Wife’s Trick”
The Master’s wife wanted to have relations with Joseph but he refused over and over again until one day she grabbed his clothes and begged once more. Joseph fled while his clothes were still in her hands. The wife screamed out and acted like this was Joseph’s idea, which infuriated the king to the point where he sent Joseph to prison.

Section 3: “While in Prison”
G-d stayed with Joseph while he was in prison and, because G-d was still with him, he was tasked with taking charge of all the prisoners. Later, the cupbearer and baker were also sent to jail and Joseph was put in charge of them as well.

Section 4: “Interpretations”
One day while in prison the cupbearer and baker both woke up in distress and asked Joseph to interpret their dreams. Joseph interpreted that in 3 days, both would be let out of prison The cupbearer would give Pharoah a cup of wine like he always did while the baker would have his head impaled on a post and birds would eat his flesh. Joseph told the cupbearer to remember him and tell Pharoah about his kindness.

Section 5: “Interpretations Becoming a Reality”
3 days later, Joseph’s interpretations became real. Unfortunately, the cupbearer forgot about Joseph.


Amos 2.6-3.8